
Welcome To The Wrestling World



Watching wrestling is one of my best favourite interest. I always watch WWF, and WCW/nWo. My favourite shows are RAW IS WAR, and MONDAY NITRO.

Favourite Wrestlers:

[image]Bret Hart
[image]Kevin Nash
[image]The Rock
[image]The Undertaker
[image]Steve Austin

Favourite Teams:

[image]Degenration X
[image]The Corporation

Coolest Wrestlers:

[image]Chris Jericho
[image]Buff Bagwell
[image]Mic Foley

Wores Wrestlers:

[image]Val Venius
[image]The Worrior
[image]Dean Malinko


Ckeck out my wrestling album



Favourite Links

World Wrestling Federation WWF
World Championship Wrestling WCW
New World Order/Wolfpac nWo
Stone Cold Steve Austin


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Email me at myzone33@hotmail.com